#prophet muhammad birthday
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Sunnah Night Routine
يوم الأحد 15 سبتمبر هناك عرض خاص بالمولد النبوي الشريف (المعروف أيضا بالمولد النبوي الشريف) الذي يذاع على قناة الثانية في المغرب وهو يوم الأحد الموافق للتقويم الهجري ربيع الأول 1446هـ، وقد شاهدت المولد النبوي الشريف في غرفة نوم والديّ وهو رائع, وبالنسبة للفقرة الخاصة هناك قارئ مغربي للقرآن الكريم هو حمزة الوراش إلى جانب منصور لقلاي وعلي المديدي وكلاهما مغربي، وهناك ضيف خاص في الحفلة الدينية حسام صقر مصري ينشد الأنشد في الأوبرا.
الاثنين 16 سبتمبر في الليل دخلت غرفة نوم أهلي وأضأت النور وقرأت القرآن الكريم الهدية التي اشتراها لي عمي عبد الحفيظ من مكة المكرمة وقرأت سورة الضحى وسورة المرسلة، بعد قليل ستعرض مسلسل التيساع فالخاطر الحلقات 21 و 22 على قناة الأولى في المغرب، وقد شاهدتهما وأحببت تترخ مسلسل التيساع فالخاطر. أحب مقدمة ونهاية شارة المسلسل التلفزيوني المغربي.
(ملاحظة 1: حسام صقر منشد ديني وملحن بدار الأوبرا المصرية والإذاعة والتلفزيون و هو أيضاً رئيس تحكيم مجال الإنشاد بالمسابقات الدولية.)
(ملاحظة 2: التيساع فالخاطر هي سيتكوم مغربية تدور أحداث حول عائلتين مغربيتين متناقضتين، عائلة "الحمداني العائدة من ألمانيا وعائلة "السعداني" ذات التقاليد المغربية الأصيلة.)
(ملاحظة 3: المولد النبوي الشريف أو مولد الرسول هو ذكرى سنوية في يوم مولد النبي محمد بن عبد الله في 12 ربيع الأول حسب أشهر الأقوال عند أهل السنّة أو 17 ربيع الأول حسب المنظور الشيعي.)
15 Eylül Pazar günü Fas'ta 2M TV'de Mevlid-i̇ Nebevi̇ Özel Programı (Peygamberimizin (S.A.V.) Doğum Günü olarak da bilinir) var, Hicri Takvime göre Rebiü'l Evvel, 1446H Pazar günü, Mevlid-i̇ Nebevi̇ Özel Programını ailemin yatak odasında izledim, inanılmazdı, Faslı Kur'an-ı Kerim okuyucusu Hamza Warash'ın yanı sıra Mansour Laqlai ve Ali Almedidi de Faslı, Dini Parti'nin özel konuklarından biri de operada ilahiler söyleyen Mısırlı Hussam Saqar.
16 Eylül Pazartesi Gece Ailemin yatak odasına girdim, ışığı açtım ve Abdulhafiz Amcamın bana Mekke'den aldığı hediye olan Kuran'ı okudum ve Duha Suresi ile Mürsele Suresini okudum, bir süre sonra Attissaa f'lkhater 21. ve 22. bölümleri Fas'taki Al Aoula TV'de yayınlanacak, onları izledim ve Attissaa f'lkhater'in tema şarkısını çok sevdim. Fas Dizilerinin Giriş ve Çıkışlarını Seviyorum.
(Not 1: Hussam Saqar, Mısır Opera Binası'nda, radyo ve televizyonda dini ozan ve besteci olarak çalışmakta ve aynı zamanda uluslararası yarışmalarda ilahi alanında baş jüri üyeliği yapmaktadır)
(Not 2: Attissaa f'lkhater, iki karşıt Faslı ailenin hikayesini anlatan bir Fas Sitcom'udur: Almanya'dan dönen Hamdani ailesi ve Fas geleneklerine bağlı Saadani ailesi. Kendilerini eski bir evde aynı çatı altında birlikte yaşamak zorunda bulurlar)
(Not 3: Mevlid-i Nebevi, İslami Takvimin üçüncü ayı olan 12 Rebiü'l Evvel'de İslam peygamberi Muhammed'in doğum gününün anıldığı yıllık bir festivaldir. Sünni İslam geleneklerinin merkezinde yer alan bir gün olan Mevlid, Şii Müslümanlar tarafından da kutlanmaktadır.)
Sunday, September 15th there’s a Special to Mawlid al-Nabawi Al Shareef (also known as The Prophet (PBUH)’s Birthday) that being scheduled on 2M TV in Morocco which was on the Islamic Calendar Rabi' al Awwal, 1446H is Sunday, I’ve watch the Mawlid al-Nabawi Al Shareef in my parents' bedroom it’s amazing, for the special there is the Moroccan reciter of holy quran is Hamza Warash along with Mansour Laqlai and Ali Almedidi both are moroccan, There’s a Special Guest at the Religious Party Hussam Saqar an Egyptian who singing Chants in Opera.
Monday, September 16th At Night I’ve Entered my Parents' bedroom switched the light on and reading quran the gift that my Uncle Abdulhafiz bought me from Makkah and I read Surat Ad-Dhuha and Surat Al Mursilah, after a while Attissaa f'lkhater episodes 21 & 22 will air on Al Aoula TV in Morocco, I've watched them and I Love the theme song of Attissaa f'lkhater. I Love the Intro and Outro of the Moroccan TV Series.
(Note 1: Hussam Saqar is a Religious minstrel and composer at the Egyptian Opera House, radio and television and also Chief judge in the field of chanting in international competitions)
(Note 2: Attissaa f'lkhater is a Moroccan Sitcom that tells the story of two opposing Moroccan families: the Hamdani family, back from Germany, and the Saadani family, steeped in Moroccan traditions. They find themselves forced to live together under the same roof in an old house)
(Note 3: Mawlid al-Nabawi Al Shareef is an annual festival commemorating the birthday of Islamic prophet Muhammad on the traditional date of 12 Rabi' al Awwal, the third month of the Islamic Calendar. A day central to the traditions of Sunni Islam, the Mawlid is also celebrated by Shia Muslims)
#sunnah#sunnah night routine#mawlid#milad#mawlid al nabawi#islam#islamic#muslim#holy quran#islamicreminders#prophet muhammad#dawah#prophet muhammad birthday#night routine#quran
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“It was not part of the Sunnah of the Prophets (such as Muhammad ﷺ, Musa (AS), Isa (AS), Ibrahim (AS), Nooh (AS), etc.), nor was it celebrated by the Sahaba, Taba'een, or Taba-Taba'een.
So, how can we Muslims in these generations justify celebrating it?".
#celebration#birthday#❌🚫#haram#prohibition#allah#prophet muhammad#hadith#deenoverdunya#namaz#zakat#muhammad#islam#holy quran#islamic#islamicquotes#muslim#salah#hajj and umrah#siyam#freepalastine🇵🇸#free palestine#masjid#i stand with palestine#save palestine
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Eid Milad-un-Nabi: Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad
Eid Milad-un-Nabi, also known as Mawlid al-Nabi, is a significant religious holiday celebrated by Muslims around the world to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. This joyous occasion falls on the 12th day of Rabi’ al-awwal, the third month of the Islamic lunar calendar. The celebration of Eid Milad-un-Nabi is marked by various customs and traditions that vary by region and cultural…
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Prophet Muhammad ﷺ 懶
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Birthday or Mawlid Al-Nabi of Prophet Muhammad: An innovation started by latecomers.
In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.Allaah [The Most High] said:يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تُقَدِّمُوا بَيْنَ يَدَيِ اللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ ۖ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌيَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَرْفَعُوا أَصْوَاتَكُمْ فَوْقَ صَوْتِ النَّبِيِّO you who believe! Do not put (yourselves) forward before Allah and His Messenger, and…
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Brief Biography of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ)
Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 570 AD. He grew up in a noble and respected family, and was known for his honesty, kindness, and wisdom. He worked as a trader and shepherd, and was known for his fairness in business. At the age of 40, while meditating in a cave outside Mecca, he received his first revelation from Allah through the Angel Gabriel. This marked…
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#about Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)#Birthday of Prophet Muhammad#Hazrat Muhammad#Muhammad (Sm)#pbuh#Prophet Muhammad#Who Was Muhammad
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No disrespect at all, just curious! Why don’t Muslims celebrate Christmas when Jesus is a prophet? I know most celebrate the birth of Muhammad, but is that the only celebration in relation to the prophets?
Before I answer, I do wanna make it clear that many Muslims do celebrate Christmas, it's quite common in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and etc, so it's a misconception to assume that Muslims don't celebrate it. Second, some Sunni Muslims do oppose the Prophet Muhammad's (sawas) birthday, especially around Salafi and Wahhabi circles, but pay no heed ot them, because they hate fun.
Anyways, to answer your question, there are various reasons why some Muslims don't celebrate Christmas: because the Prophet said so, it celebrates the birth of a personality that is worshiped in Christian traditions, Christmas is not the day of Jesus' (a) birth, we have our own holidays, or because Christmas in the West is a marketing tool that has nowadays become associated with consumerism, which is an antithesis to Islam.
For Shi'as, celebrating Christmas is fine as long as it doesn't cause you to subscribe to various beliefs that is in contradiction with Islamic monotheism, such as the trinity.
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hey rem, I’m just curious, no judging—what’s the reason you left your religion? I found that you’ve been struggling more since you started to lose your faith, so I just wondered what made you take that decision?
Well, since you asked so kindly
I left my religion slowly, over a long time, for a lot of reasons.
The easiest one that most people accept is that I do t like Islam’s treatment of queer people, since being queer is a huge part of my identity and people are usually ready to accept that answer.
But it is not so cut and dry
The reason is that I do not believe in the concept of an all-powerful, all-knowing, and completely passionate and caring deity that presides over the universe.
If Allah exists, then he allowed a five year old child to be groomed and abused, by a man that styles himself as an Islamic Scholar, for almost nine years. He allowed that trauma to happen and allowed that man to die before he could face any justice for his crimes.
And for what? Because it’s part of his plan? If an omniscient and omnipotent being needs an innocent child to suffer like that for his plan to come to fruition, he is either not as compassionate as he claims or not as powerful as he claims.
People will tell me that he will burn in Jahannam for eternity for his crimes, but why was the crime allowed to happen at all?
Do you know why Muslims pray five times a day? The Quran tells the story, saying that on the night of Al Isra wal Miraj, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ascended to Jannat (heaven) and was able to speak to Allah, who told him that every Muslim was to pray to him 50 times a day. He accepted, and as he descended through the layers of heaven, the prophet Musa (Moses, peace be upon him) told him to go back up and negotiate it lower. 50 to 45 to 40 and so on until it went to 5. That’s why there are five daily prayers.
What sort of God is so egotistical that he needs every single believer to pray to him 50 times a day to prove they love him? If he is all knowing, why start with 50 and not just command it be 5? Why do you need 5 at all? Why do you need people to constantly tell you that they love you?
I have my own religious trauma, from things taught in classes to the fucking pedophile calling himself a priest who came to my home 90 minutes a day 6 days a week for 8 and a half years, who was too religious to celebrate a birthday or let anyone else do so but apparently not enough to avoid abusing children
There are many arguments to be made about why I dislike Islam, most of them can be boiled down to something someone or the other will argue to be “misinterpretations of the text” or “a cultural thing” or “personal choice”
But in the end, at my core, I do not believe in the concept of a perfect, unerring God. The “Perfect” god of Islamic and Christian faith, insofar as I have seen, has allowed untold carnage, depraved abuse, and unspeakable violence to occur with the promise that one day, if you’re good, if you follow the rules, and pray every day, things will eventually, some day, somehow, turn out fine.
I respect Muslims. I respect Christians. I respect every single religion and every person of faith because I believe they all want to be good and do good because I think that is the nature of humanity. Who they choose to attribute that good to is none of my concern. I believe that everyone is human before they are their religion. Neither goodness nor badness can be attributed to a religion. They all have supremacists and extremists and people that will give their lives away trying to do good and make the world a better place. But if a god comes and declares that they are responsible for all of that, including the bad, and are just letting it happen for “divine purpose”? I reserve the right to question that.
And for the record, sweetheart, I am not suffering more since I’ve left my religion. I’ve been suffering the same for a very long time, and it’s only now that I’m in college, away from home, that I’m getting the space to process all of it. And sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. Right now it’s just worse than usual because the holiest month of the Islamic year is about to start, and it is always tough on me.
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🇮🇱FRIDAY - events from Israel
✡️Erev Shabbat (before Shabbat) - Parshat (Torah portion) Ki Teitzei - Deuteronomy 21:10 - Seventy-four of the Torah’s 613 commandments (mitzvot) are in this portion. These include: the laws of the beautiful captive, the inheritance rights of the firstborn, the wayward and rebellious son, burial and dignity of the dead, returning a lost object, sending away the mother bird before taking her young, the duty to erect a safety fence around the roof of one’s home, and the various forms of forbidden plant and animal hybrids.
🔹WAR HINTS.. The Lebanese newspaper Al-Nahar : Yesterday, Hezbollah asked the residents of villages in the south to evacuate their homes for fear of extensive security operations by Israel.
▪️FAKE NEWS - IDF CHIEF OF STAFF TO RETIRE.. fake news going around that the IDF chief announced his retirement. IDF spox: it’s fake news.
▪️UPDATE CAR BOMB (likely criminal) - RAMLA.. car explodes in front of a store, which catches fire. Update: 4 dead, 8 seriously injured.
▪️TWO TRY TO ENTER GAZA? IDF surveillance detected two Israeli citizens crossing through a gate in the fence into the area of the barrier between Israel and the Gaza Strip. An IDF force was dispatched to the scene, arrested the citizens and transferred them to the police.
▪️POLICE RAID - LOD.. after the car bomb in Ramla yesterday, a special extensive operation of the central district of the police in the early hours of the morning, as part of which hundreds of police officers, including special units, carried out an extensive raid on the compounds of crime families in the Juarish neighborhood in Ramla and in the city of Lod. Many arrests, weapons seized.
▪️HEZBOLLAH CLAIMS.. from their (thwarted) attack: The Lebanese Almiadin (identified with the Iranian resistance axis) from "European sources": In the response action to the assassination of Hezbollah Chief of Staff Fuad Shakar, 22 Israeli soldiers from Unit 8200 were killed and 74 were wounded. (This is a false report for internal propaganda purposes.)
▪️HOUTHIS CLAIM.. Muhammad Ali al-Houthi: The return of the Roosevelt aircraft carrier to Israel and the completion of its mission confirm: Yemen's victory in the Eternal Revolution of September. A new victory comes to the Yemeni people with the arrival of the anniversary of the prophet's birthday. (As above, internal propaganda message - note they think the carrier returned to Israel? And left because of them, rather than because of reduced threat, resupply and other priorities.)
(The point of these two is: see how the enemy is thinking - when there is no success, create one for the masses.)
▪️JUSTICE SYSTEM.. 274 lawyers demand to disband the current bar (lawyers governance association): "it has become political”.
▪️ATTEMPTED KIDNAPPING OF TRAVELING ISRAELIS - NATION OF GEORGIA.. A group of Israeli travelers were subject to surveillance and attempted kidnapping by a group of Arabs and were foiled at the last moment by the intervention of the local police in Georgia (the country). (Ch. 14)
▪️AIR TRAVEL.. FlyDubai increases service to Tel Aviv, 8th daily flight added.
▪️POLL OF THE WEEK.. Channel 14 (right wing) & Maariv (left wing)
Likud - 29 / 24
National Unity - 18 / 21
Israel our Home - 13 / 14
The Democrats - 11 / 8
Yesh Atid - 10 / 15
Shas - 9 / 9
United Torah Judaism - 8 / 7
Otzma Yehudit - 7 / 9
Ra’am - 6 / 4
Religious Zionism - 5 / 4
Habash Ta’al - 4 / 5
Sa’ar - 1.2% / 1.2%
🔸DEAL NEWS.. Report: Egypt recently received a proposal for the deployment of Arab forces along the Philadelphi border corridor, negotiations are underway with Morocco, Mauritania and Djibouti.
#Israel#October 7#HamasMassacre#Israel/HamasWar#IDF#Gaza#Palestinians#Realtime Israel#Hezbollah#Lebanon
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Happy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)s Birthday 1446H
نتمنى لكم بمناسبة المولد النبوي الشريف
اللهم صلِّ وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.
Peygamberimizin doğum günü kutlu olsun!
Allah'ım, Peygamberimiz Muhammed'e, ailesine ve ashabına salât ve selam eyle.
Wishing you a Happy Prophet’s Birthday!
O Allah, bless and grant peace and blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.
#milad#mawlid#mawlid al nabawi#islam#islamic#muslim#holy quran#islamicreminders#prophet muhammad#sunnah#dawah#prophet muhammad birthday
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WIladat Mubarak ✨✨🌹🌹🌹🌹💯‼️💐💐💐💐💐💐💐🫶🏻🫀
A few thoughts on IMAM ALI (pbuh)
1. One of the most phenomenal human beings that walked the earth.
2. Most perfect student of Rasulullah
3. Defender and Supporter of the Prophet
Only way to love someone is to get to know them.
“Every human being lies under his words”
Prophet (pbuh)
My father died when I was 10. There were 3 books he cherished - The Qur’an, Mafatihul Jinaan & Nahjul Balagha.-
His Nahjul Balagha was a brown book embossed with his initials with a translation in Farsi and Urdu. I used to leaf through the pages after he died praying that one day I would be able to read it
One bookmark etched into my mind was a neatly folded corner with my birthdate marked on it - LETTER NO 31
The little Urdu i knew told me it was the letter written by Imam Ali to Imam Hasan on his way back from Siffeen.
I made a mental note that one day I would make it my life plan. Days become months and months became years - When my son was born in 1985 and I looked at him for the first time there was an overwhelming feeling which said what my father used to say to me:
“I find you a part of myself, rather i find you as a my whole, so much so that if anything befalls you it is as though it befalls on me, if death comes to you, it is as thought it comes to me.”
I bought a copy of Nahjul Balagha and have since tried to fall in love with Ali through its words.
So to inspire you to do the same I will share some drops from this vast ocean with you…
A line from the first sermon
“The first step in religion is its acknowledgement or its understanding”
When Imam Said
this book teaches that the greatest achievement for humanity is not in it’s works of art, science, technology.. but the recognition of its own disfunction.
Imam (the perfect student of Rasulullah) speaks of suffering and delusion says - Observe yourself
This teaching, however simple, is a powerful force to evaluate especially in these days of Rajab, Sha’ban & Ramadhan.
(Describe Allah so we may understand Him)
Look beyond the surface layer - we are connected with everyone and to the source of life from which we all came.
Even a bat (Sermon 155) or a Peacock (Sermon 165) can show you the way to Allah - when you look at creation - look beyond the mental label and create a sense of awe.
This is what artists do and succeed in conveying their art.
VAN GOGH didn’t say - that’s just an old chair. He sensed the being ness in the chair and then took his brush to the canvas
The chair was worth a few pounds - the painting today is worth over $100 million
NAHJUL BALAGHA encourages a depth in life - Imam stresses MORTALITY - warns of unchecked striving for MORE in the WORLD
AN obsessive pre occupation with things and the illusion of ownership.
He warns against identifying with I HAVE THEREFORE I AM & THE MORE I HAVE THE MORE I AM
Descartes said
“I think therefore I am”
Imam 1400 years ago said
In Letter 31 there are precise instructions to get to this stage
1. Hold on to God Conciousness
2. No connection is more reliable than the one between you and Allah
3. Study the lives of past people - ponder over their activities, where they were and where they are now
4. Give up discussing what you dont know
5. WA TAFAQQAH FID DEEN - Acquire insight into religion
6. Make yourself the measure of dealings between you and others
7. Do not say to others what you do not like to be said to you
8. Know that He who owns the treasures of the heavens and the earth has permitted you to pray to Him and has promised acceptance of due. He has not placed anything between you and Him. And if you make a mistake, He has not prevented you from repentance nor does He hasten punishment.
9. So place before Him your needs, unveil yourself before Him, complain to Him of your worries, seek help in your affairs - He has placed the keys of His treasures in Your hand in that He has shown you the way to ask Him
10. Place your religion and your world at Allah’s disposal and beg Him to ordain the best for you in respect to the near and far, this world and the next, and that is the end of the matter.
I advise you, and all my children, my relatives, and whosoever receives this message, to be conscious of Allah, to remove your differences, and to strengthen your ties. I heard your grandfather, peace be upon him, say: "Reconciliation of your differences is more worthy than all prayers and all fasting."
· Remain attached to the Quran. Nobody should surpass you in being intent on it, or more sincere in implementing it.
· Be in awe of Allah in relation to your salaa. It is the pillar of your religion
· Maintain communication and exchange of opinion among yourselves. Beware of disunity and enmity.
· Persist in striving in the cause of Allah, with your money, your souls, and your tongue.
#mustshare#sharethis#must watch#ali ibn abi talib#islampost#islamdaily#welcome to islam#ahlulbait#ahlulbayt#prophet muhammad#mustread#dontmissout#fabul@$$#very informative#happy birthday#celebration#like and/or reblog!#share if you can
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How Can We Celebrate Birthdays🚫❌.....
Are You Follower Of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) OR Pharaoh (Firaun)❓
#birthday#❌#🚫❌#prohibition#islam#allahﷻ#prophet muhammad#deenoverdunya#islamic#holy quran#muhammad#zakat#hadith#namaz#allah#quran recitation#islamicquotes#freepalastine🇵🇸#save palestine
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When I was a kid I wanted to be a scientist, Doctor seems close enough. Feeling like I am so close to getting all I ever wanted. God willing He will show me mercy.
Finished a Hagiography of Baba Farid al Din Ganj i Shakar and found out that a British historian asserted that Baba Farid was a head or founder of the Thaggs which is curious considering how the jatt marauders he preached to would come to morph into the sikh faith and incorporate his writings into their scripture.
Started reading the Alexander Romance and absolutely loving it. Alexander in this is so quick to murder people he doesn't like and the narrative is beautiful.
I was supposed to pick my girlfriend and her sister for a study session in the park but her sister cancelled so we just chilled at my place and then at her university. Bought gifts for my niece's birthday tomorrow.
Completed notes for pharmacology.
Had a chat about how hectic the routine that Prophet Muhammad followed was and how instead of shying away at the idea of him having 13 wives maybe consider the fact that he managed to keep all of them happy when most men can't even keep themselves from destroying one. Also about how he once killed a man after having regained consciousness following a sword strike to his helmet. Truly anyone who knows him has to accept him as a prophet of the One True God.
#god#mbbs#med school#study blog#studyblr#books#medicine#study motivation#studyblr community#academic#muhammad#sufism#sufi#alexander the great#ancient greece#ancient history#islamic#islam#ancient egypt#muslim#allah
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Eid Milad-un-Nabi 2024: Public Holiday Announcement
The federal government has declared September 17, 2024, a public holiday to celebrate Eid Milad-un-Nabi (SAW), marking the birthday of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). 🎉🕌
This day will see the closure of government offices, schools, and banks as people across Pakistan participate in prayers, processions, and cultural activities. Eid Milad-un-Nabi is a time for reflection on the Prophet’s teachings of peace, tolerance, and love.
Join in the celebrations and embrace the values that this significant event represents.
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Jumu'ah Sohbet: 6 September 2024
Alhamdulillah we have entered South African Spring. More importantly, we have entered Rabi' al-Awwal which is the month in the Islamic calendar that marks the birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Shukran Ya Allah (Divine gratitude) to the count of infinity, and Bismillah (And in that Divine name):
#1. Shaykh Nishaat, our heartsmith, had us spellbound as he asked us soul searing questions and made statements like:
- When we are looking around ourselves, what eyes are we using to do that? In fact, almost everything happens without consciousness!
- We constantly have to check that what is negatively mirrored in the world is not a reflection of ourselves.
- There is so much information and knowledge out there but how much of what we do is from the Source of us? Instead, how much of what we process about the world, is shaped by our "tribe"?
- Shaykh Taner's Qur'an translation into English, as a 9-and-half year mission, exists for us to deeply understand and connect with Allah's guidance. However, many of us remain uninspired, wrapped, and enveloped in the aura of our egos!
- As we approach the beautiful month in which our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born, Allah sent him as Rahmatul lil-'Alameen (Mercy to the worlds). This mirrors the exact song that we've been inspired to sing, by our Qari Zardad of Qurtuba Online Islamic Studies, for Yawn un-Nabi (an annual festival marking his blessed birthday) with our Ilahi band, Subhana'Allah (Divine glory) for sweet serendipity!
#2. On a Saturday Sohbet, Anne (our spiritual mother) again made us appreciate the benefits of her motherly instincts while explaining some of our key Tariqa functions:
- About our Shaykh Taner's first Urs, she tearfully reflected that she felt unimaginable love and joy after her initial sadness. As we were all doing Zikr of Allah joyously, followed by all the meals that served as our signature of the 'Eating Tariqa'!
- She remarked on the irony of mankind where her initial idea of honoring Shaykh Taner in a Mausoleum was not locally permitted! But, she encountered a local Buddhist 'Shrine', which was permitted and significantly bigger in size than our initial plan for a Mausoleum. As a multinational Tariqa, we are accustomed to lost-in-translation, of course! 😅
- She also said that we have both biological and spiritual family. Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasised the importance of our blood relatives, and even if you have a connection as thin as a cotton thread, if they pull, you must go. Just as when you pull on them, you hope that they'll come! Our spiritual family obligations are that we work for and follow Allah. We have personal and congregational Zikrs of equal merit and purpose.
- We are called upon to serve Allah in the Tariqa where we're training and learning as we serve by being out of our comfort zones. We should be able to work with each other, no matter what!
- In fact, helping people is more preferable to doing all our daily assignments perfectly every day! More importantly, our service doesn't involve politics, relationships, and business!
- She even compassionately urged us to find when we feel Allah the most to determine the ideal circulatory rhythm in ourselves to offer our personal daily assignments. This is after I realised that mornings wear me out, and instead when I am on my Rife treatment (my perceivable low-energy electromagnetic waves), I am the most connected to not only a source of healing but to our Shaykh Taner and our Silsila (spiritual chain). Our school of complementary health has complete faith in this subtle form of healing.
- In our Tariqa, we don't compare lessons or ourselves because we don't know the other's inner situation.
- Knowledge is important, but self-knowledge or self-awareness is even more important. Here, we fondly remember a Hadith (saying of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)): Whoever knows himself knows his Lord!
#3. Lastly was an exchange between our Shaykh Taner and Anne. It described the palpable purpose we gain in the practice of Zikr as a salvation. As we keep doing Zikr, we get out of the way, what I joyously describe as managing to drown out the ever-pervasive nafs, and naturally connecting to Allah. It was likened to filling the petrol tank of a car or our bodies with energy gained from food. Similarly, with Zikr, our beings are replenished and go forward in the spiritual world.
With gratitude, we end our Jumu'ah Sohbet. We yearn our beloved Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) team-spirit as Mahfouz embarks on his first Cricket Match of the year, and his love, as Muntaha extends her love to Adam and baby Zaynab for a play date, during that time.
Ya Wadud Ya Salaam Ya Jami Ya Nafi (Yearning Allah's love, peace and unity in goodness)
Ya Wadud (and more of Allah's love!)
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